As many horse owners and breeders already know, the Thoroughbred industry is one of constant change and evolution, and the Indiana Thoroughbred Program is no different.  Every year seems to present new challenges for the horsemen due to policy changes that affect horses both at the race tracks and the breeding farms.  The Indiana Thoroughbred Owner’s and Breeder’s Association (ITOBA) was established to protect the Indiana Horsemen and represent their collective voice when policy changes are being proposed or enforced.  ITOBA is affiliated with the National Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association (TOBA), and works closely with local regulatory and legislative groups such as the Indiana Horse Racing Commission, The Indiana Thoroughbred Breed Development Program, The Horse Protection and Benevolence Association (HPBA), as well as other various government officials and representatives. 

ITOBA‘s Board comprises a diverse number of individuals that are all active within the Indiana Thoroughbred Industry, and as board members we are here to serve you, the horsemen.  ITOBA is currently undergoing several projects to help facilitate communication and encourage member involvement.  For example, this website is being redesigned at present, and should provide a more user friendly, interactive resource for updated information and communication.  We strongly encourage ITOBA members to email us at, so that your experiences, ideas, and suggestions can be utilized as we continue to represent the horsemen associated with the Indiana Thoroughbred Program.

In closing, we would like to invite you to join ITOBA, and become a part of a unified voice for the horsemen.  As horse owners and breeders we all have similar concerns and interests, and a strong membership size is necessary to bring strength to our position.  Please help us to represent each and every owner, breeder, and horseman associated with the Indiana Thoroughbred Program.

  • Owners
  • Breeders
  • Trainers
  • Jockeys
  • Veterinarians
ITOBA (Indiana Thoroughbred Owner's and Breeder's Association) is a non-profit membership organization that was founded in 1992 as the official authorized representative of Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders in the state of Indiana. It is ITOBA’s objective to promote and encourage the growth of the Thoroughbred Industry in Indiana.
Mission Statement
​Who we're comprised of...